TET DSC Study materials

TET / DSC Study materials

Welcome to our online platform dedicated to helping you excel in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) and District Selection Committee (DSC) examinations. We provide a comprehensive range of ‘TET DSC (SGT) study materials’ and invaluable hints across various subjects, including Perspectives, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, English grammar, Telugu, History, Economics, Civics, Botany, Geography, and Physical Education. Also, materials such as Telugu Pedagogy, English Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy, Science Pedagogy, Social Studies Pedagogy which are useful for school assistant exams are included here.

Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to succeed in these competitive exams. Our study materials are carefully curated to cover the entire syllabus, ensuring you’re well-prepared for all aspects of the TET and DSC examinations.

Our hints and tips section offers guidance on key topics, study techniques, and time management, giving you a competitive edge in your preparation journey. Whether you’re aspiring to become a teacher through the TET or aiming to secure a position through the DSC, we’re here to support your goals. Our materials are designed by experienced educators, and our platform is a valuable resource to help you achieve your dream career in education.

TET / DSC మెటీరీయల్

Material Title  Link
Classroom Psychology  DOWNLOAD
Telugu Content & Methodology  DOWNLOAD
Perspectives Notes
English Grammar  DOWNLOAD
English Content  DOWNLOAD
Maths Content  DOWNLOAD
Physics Content  DOWNLOAD
Chemistry Content  DOWNLOAD
Biology Content  DOWNLOAD
Botany Content  DOWNLOAD
History Content  DOWNLOAD
Economics Content  DOWNLOAD
Civics Content  DOWNLOAD
Geography Content  DOWNLOAD
Telugu & Pedagogy  DOWNLOAD
English & Pedagogy  DOWNLOAD
Maths & Pedagogy  DOWNLOAD
Science & Pedagogy  DOWNLOAD
Social & Pedagogy  DOWNLOAD
Physical Education  DOWNLOAD

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