Teachers Work Adjustment 2024 Instructions

Teachers Work Adjustment 2024 Instructions

Academic Year 2024-25 – Work Adjustment of Teachers (SAs)/SGTs in needy schools under all managements i.e., Govt/ZPP/MPP/Municipal, as per the requirement – Certain instructions (Teachers Work Adjustment 2024 Instructions)

(i) Adjustment Criteria:

  • Subject Teachers (SAs) and SGTs shall be adjusted based on the requirements of schools under all managements (Govt/ZPP /MPP/Municipal) within the same subject.
  • Surplus School Assistants shall be adjusted to other subjects as per their respective methodologies.
  • Qualified surplus SGTs, possessing the relevant degree and B.Ed Methodology in the concerned subject, shall be adjusted to teach the corresponding subjects in Pre-High Schools and High Schools.
  • Identify schools with more than one SA(PD) or PET and redistribute the excess staff to schools lacking any SA(PD) or PET under work adjustment.
  • The need for adjustment should be calculated according to existing norms.

(ii) Preference in adjustment:

  • Adjust Subject School Assistant Teachers (SAs) in high schools according to norms.
  • In Upper Primary Schools, if enrolment is less than 98, allocate teachers by grouping classes 3 to 8 and 1 to 2, separately.
  • In Primary Schools, allocate teachers according to norms.
  • If surplus teachers are still identified, they will be adjusted in descending order in single-teacher schools based on the extent of surplus identified.
  • Identified SA(PD) and PETS shall be allotted to schools having no SA(PD) or PET in descending order.

(iii) The said criteria will be taken up in the following phases:

  • Phase-I: Inter Management with in the Mandal.
    1. Same subject within Mandal
    2. Inter subject within Mandal
  • 3. Qualified SGTS within Mandal
  • Phase-II: In Division level first preference within Management, if still surplus teachers available then inter management.
    • Same subject with in Division
    • Inter subject with in Division
    • SGT’s qualified within Division

(iv) Guidelines for identifying the Surplus Teachers:

  • The junior-most teacher in the school shall be identified as surplus.
  • First preference shall be given to the schools wherever there is no availability of subject teacher or secondary grade teacher.
  • After identifying the surplus teachers, cadre seniority within the inter-management shall be considered for phases specified @point no.(iii) above. If cadre seniority is the same, then the date of initial appointment shall be considered first, followed by the date of birth.
  • The work adjustment process shall be conducted based on enrolment data as on 09.08.2024 from UDISE.
  • Ensure the availability of Subject teachers in all High Schools upon completion of the work adjustment process.


  • Avoid deputing surplus teachers from upland/agency areas to plain areas.
  • Teachers retiring on or before April 30, 2025, and those with 100% visual impairments are excluded from the work adjustment process.
  • High school plus schools are exempted from this process.
  • Widow, unmarried female teachers, legally separated, and spouse grounds shall be exempted from work adjustment at the Divisional Level. However, if they are willing, they may be considered within the division during Phase-II.
  • The entire process of work adjustment of teachers shall commence from 12.08.2024 and shall be completed on or before 14.08.2024.


Revised Work Adjustment of Teachers (SAs)/SGTs Certain instructions (Date:11/08/2024)


FAQ’s on work Adjustment Process (Date:11/08/2024)


Work Adjustment of Teachers (SAs)/SGTs Certain instructions (Date:07/08/2024)


online Work Adjustment module (User Manual)


Read also..

Work Adjustment 2024 Online process


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