SMC Elections 2024 Schedule Guidelines

SMC Elections 2024 Schedule Guidelines

  • Conduct of School Management Committee Elections for the Academic Year 2024-25 Schedule, Guidelines
  • పాఠశాల యాజమాన్య కమిటీల ఎన్నికలు 2024 మార్గదర్శకాలు, షెడ్యూలు

The schedule to conduct Elections in all schools except Private Management schools to reconstitute the School Management Committees is as follows. (SMC Elections 2024 Schedule Guidelines)

S.No.Date Activity to be conductedTime
Issue of Notification to Conduct Elections for re-constitution of School Management Committees (SMC Members, Chairman & Vice Chairman)10:00 AM
Display of Voter List for Conduct of Elections in the Notice Board2:00 PM
Calling of Objections on Voter List and Redressal of Grievances if any9:00AM to 1:00PM
Finalization of Voter List for Conduct of Elections and its display in the Notice Board3:00PM to 4:00PM
Conduct of Elections Finalization of Reconstitution of School Management Committee Members7:00AM to 1:00PM
Conduct of Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman by School Management Committee Members1.30PM
Oath taking by School Management Committee Members, Chairman & Vice Chairman2.00PM
Conducting First School Management Committee Meeting3.00PM to 3:30PM

School Management Committee (SMC) Election Guidelines (2024)

  • The School Management Committee (SMC) shall be constituted in every school other than Private unaided schools, within its jurisdiction.
  • The Head Teacher shall reconstitute the committee.
  • At least 50% of the parents/guardians should be present for conducting the Elections. The Head Master will decide the time limit for formation of quorum.
  • Elections shall ordinarily be by show of hands or voice vote. In extraordinary situations of unresolved contention, secret ballot procedure may be adopted.
  • Only one of the parents shall be eligible to vote for Election of parent/ guardian representative to the SMC.
  • Parents/guardians having children in different classes shall be eligible to participate in the Election process of each class.
  • The School Management Committee (SMC) shall elect the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson from among its elected members preferably parent members. Provided that at least one of them should be a parent of a child from the disadvantaged group or the weaker sections. Provided further that at least one of them should be a woman.
  • The members representing the local bodies and the head teacher or the in-charge head teacher shall not be eligible for participating in
    Election or they will not have any voting right.
  • Electors of respective classes shall elect new parent/guardian members of SMC from entry class and also to fill in any casual vacancy.
  • The School Management Committee (SMC) once constituted shall exist perpetually until its abolition or merger, to be authorized by the
    Mandal Education Officer in case of Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and the District Educational Officer in case of other schools. However members will retire as per their terms. The resultant cyclical and casual vacancies shall be filled within reasonable time as prescribed by the Implementation Authority.
  • “The Implementing Authority” means the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha and it includes the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh.
  • ‘Neighborhood area of a school’ means the habitations in a safe walking distance of 1 km for a Primary School, 3kms for an Upper Primary / High School having classes.
  • ‘Child belonging to socially disadvantaged group’ means and includes a child belonging to the schedule caste, schedule tribe, orphans, Migrant and Street children, Children with Special Needs (CWSN) and HIV affected/infected children.
  • ‘Child belonging to Weaker Sections’ means a child belonging to BC, Minorities and Includes OCs whose parents’ Income does not exceed
    as prescribed by the Government.
  • There should not be any political interference. Legal action will be taken in case of interruption in the reconstitution process.
  • Tahsildar, Mandal Parishad Development Officer (MPDO), Village Secretary or Village Revenue Officer (VRO), Village Revenue Assistant (VRA) may be involved in the Election process as observers.
  • Order of preference for voting is Mother, Father, Guardian. However, voting can be given to only one of them.
  • Every voter should bring their ID card issued for this purpose by the concerned authority or any other valid ID such as Ration card, Aadhaar
    Card, Driving License, Voter ID or any other ID card issued by the Government.
  • In case of unavailability of parent members belongs to ‘disadvantaged’ or ‘weaker sections then it can be filled as per the existing rule of reservation.

The composition of the Committee will be as follows:

  • Elected members: Three parents/guardians elected by parents/guardians of children in each class, of whom at least one person is parent guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group and another person is a parent/guardian of a child belonging to weaker sections, and two are women. Provided that, in case, the number of children in a class is less than 6, the same shall be combined with the next lower or higher class, such that the number of electors in the combined class is 6 or more.
  • The term of an elected member will be for two years, or the date of leaving-from-the- school of the member’s child/ward, whichever is earlier.
  • New parent/guardian members from entry class will be inducted into the SMC to replace those parent members who will move out of the SMC when their children leave school.


School Management Committee Elections for the Academic Year 2024-25 Schedule, Guidelines


Useful formats to conduct SMC Elections

1.All proformas in single pdf

పాఠశాల యాజమాన్య కమిటీ సమావేశ రిజిస్టర్

Type-I (Very Useful)DOWNLOAD
2.ఎన్నికల ప్రకటనDOWNLOAD
3.InvitationsPrimary schoolsDOWNLOAD
High schoolsDOWNLOAD
4.ఎన్నికల మార్గదర్శకాలు తెలుగులోDOWNLOAD
5.ఓటర్ల జాబితాDOWNLOAD
6.తల్లిదండ్రుల సమావేశ ఆహ్వానముType-IDOWNLOAD
7.అభ్యర్థుల ధ్రువీకరణ పత్రంDOWNLOAD
8.సహాయం అవసరమైతే MPDO గారికి మరియు పోలీస్ వారికి ఇవ్వవలసిన నమూనా వినతి పత్రము.DOWNLOAD
9.తరగతుల వారీగా సభ్యుల ఎన్నికDOWNLOAD
10.పాఠశాల మేనేజ్మెంట్ కమిటీ ఎన్నికల మినిట్స్DOWNLOAD
11.ఎన్నికల పరిశీలన పత్రంDOWNLOAD
12.కమిటీ సభ్యుల ప్రతిజ్ఞDOWNLOAD

SMC మినిట్స్ బుక్ లో రాయడాని ఉపయోగపడే కొన్ని తీర్మానాలు:

  1. స్కూల్ ఆవాస ప్రాంతంలోని బడి ఈడు పిల్లలందరినీ స్కూల్ లో చేర్పించడం.
  2. పిల్లలందరినీ క్రమం తప్పకుండా స్కూల్ కి హాజరు అయ్యేలా చూడడం.
  3. డొక్కా సీతమ్మ మధ్యాహ్న భోజన పథకం సక్రమంగా అమలు అయ్యేలా చూడడం.
  4. మన స్కూల్ ని మండలంలోనే బెస్ట్ స్కూల్ గా తీర్చిదిద్దడం.
  5. స్కూల్ లోని పిల్లలందరికీ గుణాత్మక విద్య అందేలా చూడటం.
  6. విద్యార్థులందరూ క్రీడలు, సృజనాత్మక కార్యక్రమాల్లో పాల్గొనేలా చూడటం.
  7. నాడు నేడు పనులు సక్రమంగా పూర్తి చెయ్యడం
  8. పాఠశాల ఆవరణలో మొక్కలు నాటే విధంగా SMC సభ్యులు సహకారం అందించడం

పై కార్యక్రమములను చేయాలని కమిటీ సమావేశంలో ఏకగ్రీవంగా తీర్మానించడమైనది అని రాయాలి.

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