Seats for differently abled persons in APSRTC buses

Seats for differently abled persons in APSRTC buses

SUB: Seats for differently abled persons in buses: Non-implementation of the instructions issued on providing earmarked seats to differently abled persons by crew – reiteration of instructions – Reg (Seats for differently abled persons in APSRTC buses)

REF: 1) Circular no.08/2013-OPD(P), dt.11.03.2013.

2) This Office Lr.No.T2/543(24)/2023-OPD(T), dt.31.10.2023.

Vide reference 1st cited above, instructions were issued regarding allocation of seats to Senior Citizens and differently abled persons in unreserved services of the Corporation. Accordingly specified seats are earmarked for senior citizens and differently abled persons in City Ordinary, Metro Express, Pallevelugu, Ultra Pallevelugu and Express (unreserved) services as furnished below.

S.NoBus TypeSeats reserved for
Differently abledSr Citizens
1.City OrdinaryFirst 2 seater at right side of front entrance2 seater behind the seats of Differently abled
2.Metro Express
3.Pallevelugu2 seater behind conductor seat2 seater behind the seats of Differently abled
4.Ultra Pallevelugu
5.Express (unreserved buses)2 seater behind conductor seat2 seater behind the seats of Differently abled

In view of the complaints received from the differently abled persons that crew are not co-operating in getting the seats reserved for them vacated, if these seats are occupied by other passengers, instructions were reiterated from this office vide reference 2nd cited above.

Though instructions are already there, complaints from differently abled persons are being received frequently that the crew are not taking any responsibility to vacate the persons who occupy the seats earmarked to these classes of commuters causing much inconvenience to them.

Keeping the hardships being faced by differently abled persons and senior citizens, it is once again informed to instruct the Depot Managers to educate the operating crew to get the earmarked seats for senior citizens and differently abled persons vacated whenever occupied by other passengers, and to ensure that Senior Citizens and differently abled persons get seats while travelling in our buses.

Any complaints received in this regard will be viewed seriously

For more details..

Allocation of seats to Senior Citizens and differently abled persons in unreserved services of APSRTC

Circular No. T2/543(24)/2023-OPD(T), 0/0 VC & MD, Dt.23.08.2024.


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