Class 10 Social Studies People and Migration Quiz

Welcome to your Class 10 Social Studies People and Migration Quiz

Birth place means ..

According to 'National Census', every ___ person in India is a migrant.

Money sent by migrants from their destinations in ?

Rural seasonal migrants work in ________.

________ are set up by the Indian govt. in diff countries.

Choose the correct statement

In 2001, among the total migrations, the percentage of Internal migrations

A large section of rural workers migrant for________ duration.

After constructions of this project sugar cane production increased in West Maharastra

This is not a reason for the expansion of Urban Population in India

Professional and experts will migrate to the countries

Labourers who are migrate 3 lakhs to West Asia, in them 3/5 are belongs to the state

_______ Migrants use diff job searching mechanisms.

Most percentage of growth of urban population by this cause

Choose the correct match

i. Saora                      - Plantations in Assam
 ii. Kerala woman      - Fish Professing Industries of Maharashtra
iii. Munda, Sandal    - Mine cities in Odisha

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