AP Class 8 Social science Study materials pdf

Class 8 Social science Study materials

Our NCERT Class 8 Social Science Study Notes (Class 8 Social science Study materials) offer a comprehensive and engaging approach to mastering the concepts and topics covered in the Social Science curriculum. Designed specifically for Class 8 students, our study notes provide a deep understanding of History, Geography, Civics, and Economics.

Covered Topics:

How, When and Where; From Trade to Territory The Company Establishes Power; Ruling the Countryside; Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age; When People Rebel 1857 and After: Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners; Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation; Women, Caste and Reform; The Making of the National Movement: 1870s-1947, India After Independence, The Indian Constitution and Secularism- The Indian Constitution, Understanding Secularism, Parliament and The Making of Laws- Why do we need a Parliament?, Understanding Laws, The Judiciary, Social Justice and The Marginalised – Understanding Marginalisation, Confronting Marginalisation, Economic Presence of the Government – Public Facilities, Law and Social Justice, Resources and Development, Resources, Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources, Mineral and Power Resources, Agriculture, Industries, Human Resources.

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