FA3 CBA2 New Time table

FA3/ CBA2 New Time table

Test Design Structure for FA3/CBA2:

  • The assessment tools will be designed to assess grade-specific skills.
  • The assessment tool will include both Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Free-Response Questions (FRs).
  • For Grade 3 to 8, each MCQ will have 4 options, and there will be only one correct answer for each question. For Grade 1 and 2, MCQs will have 3 options, and there will be only one correct answer for each question.
  • For the formative assessment, the number of MCQs has been set at 10. This allows for testing essential concepts while giving students sufficient time to answer the questions. It also takes into account the limited number of chapters being tested in each formative assessment.

This blueprint aims to ensure that the assessment aligns with the curriculum, focuses on grade-specific skills, and provides a balanced mi of MCQs and FRs

CBA 2 Schedule for Primary classes (1 to 5)

Date Session-1 Session-2
23.01.2024 Telugu (09.30 AM to 10.30 AM) Mathematics (01.20 PM to 2.20 PM)
25.01.2024 Environmental Science (09.30 AM to 10.30 AM) English PART A (01.20 AM to 2.20 PM)

English PART B (02.30 PM to 02.50 PM) for classes 3,4,5

27.01.2024 For classes 3 to 5 OSSC (09.30 AM to 10.30 AM)


CBA2 Schedule for Secondary Classes (6 to 8)

Date 6,7,8 Classes
23.01.2024 Telugu (01.10 PM to 02.10PM)

Mathematics (02.20 PM to 03.20PM)

25.01.2024 Hindi (01.10 PM to 02.10PM)

General science (02.20 PM to 03.20PM)

27.01.2024 Social studies (01.10 PM to 02.10PM)

English Part_A (02.20 PM to 03.20PM)

English Part_B (03.30 PM to 03.50PM)

29.01.2024 OSSC-1/PERSIA/ARABIC (01.10 PM to 02.10PM)

OSSC-1/PERSIA/ARABIC (02.20 PM to 03.20PM)


Formative Assessment 3

Schedule for Secondary Classes (9 to 10)

Date Class 9 and 10
23.01.2024 Telugu (09.30AM to 10.15AM)

Mathematics (10.30AM to 11.15AM)

25.01.2024 Hindi (09.30AM to 10.15AM)

General science (10.30AM to 11.15AM)

27.01.2024 Social studies (09.30AM to 10.15AM)

English (10.30AM to 11.15AM)

English PART-B (11.30AM to 11.50AM) for CLASS 9 only

29.01.2024 OSSC-I (09.30AM to 10.15AM)

OSSC-II (10.30AM to 11.15AM)

For Detailed schedule CLICK HERE

Read also..

Class 1-10 FA-3 Model papers CLICK HERE
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