AP Class 7 Hindi Lesson plans in pdf

Class 7 Hindi Lesson plans

The Class 7 Hindi Lesson Plans for Andhra Pradesh include a variety of engaging lessons that help students enhance their understanding of Hindi literature, language skills, and moral values. The lesson plans cover a diverse range of topics, from folk tales and stories to practical skills like letter writing.

Some of the key lessons include ज्ञान हम को दीजिए (Give us Knowledge), a reflective piece on the value of learning, and होशियार कौआ (The Clever Crow), a moral story demonstrating the importance of wisdom. Other lessons like ईमानदारी का फल (The Reward of Honesty) teach valuable ethical lessons, while पत्र लेखन (Letter Writing) helps students develop practical writing skills. The lessons also include cultural elements, such as आदिवासी नृत्य धिंसा (The Tribal Dance Dhinsa), which introduces students to tribal traditions, and कोंडापल्ली की यात्रा (The Journey to Kondapalli), which explores regional heritage.

With topics like साहसी बालक (The Brave Boy) and कबीर की वाणी (Words of Kabir), the lesson plans not only focus on literary content but also inspire courage, integrity, and the appreciation of spiritual wisdom. These lesson plans aim to provide a holistic education, combining language skills with life lessons

7th class Hindi lesson plans (Andhra Pradesh)

कक्षा – 7: हिंदी – पाठ योजना

Lesson Name Link
1. ज्ञान हम को दीजिए  DOWNLOAD
2. होशियार कौआ  DOWNLOAD
3. आदिवासी नृत्य धिंसा  DOWNLOAD
4. हम नन्हें बच्चे  DOWNLOAD
5. ईमानदारी का फल  DOWNLOAD
6. पत्र लेखन  DOWNLOAD
7. कोयल  DOWNLOAD
8. आओ हिन्दी सीखें  DOWNLOAD
9. साहसी बालक  DOWNLOAD
10. कबीर की वाणी  DOWNLOAD
11. सफलता का मंत्र  DOWNLOAD
12. कोंडापल्ली की यात्रा  DOWNLOAD

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