AP Schools Class 4 English Lesson plans pdf

Class 4 English Lesson plans

Class IV English Lesson plans

All chapters in single pdf (With out watermark) DOWNLOAD

4th class English Chapter wise Lesson plans (Andhra Pradesh)

Class 4 English Lesson plans

Lesson  Name Link
1. Three Butterflies  DOWNLOAD
2. Major Dhyan Chand  DOWNLOAD
3. A Trip of Memories  DOWNLOAD
4. Swami Vivekananda  DOWNLOAD
5. The Magic Fish  DOWNLOAD
6. The Seed of Truth  DOWNLOAD
7. Birbal Caught the Thief  DOWNLOAD
8. The Tree and the River  DOWNLOAD

4th Class English Annual Plan (2024-25)

Month Working days Chapter Name
June 14 Class Readiness
July 25 Three Butterflies
August 24 Major Dhyan Chand
September 22 A Trip of Memories
October 17 Swami Vivekananda
November 25 The Magic Fish
December 24 The Seed of Truth
January 19 Birbal Caught the Thief
February 22 The Tree and the River
March 23 Revision
April 17 Revision

Class IV English Lesson plans, 4th Class English Lesson plans, AP English Lesson plans, 4th Class English Annual Plans, English Period plans, 4th class English lesson plans pdf download, 4th class English lesson plans pdf, 4th class English lesson plans 2024-2025, 4th Class English Period Plans PDF, 4th class English period plans

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