AP School Complex meetings 2024-25 schedule Agenda

AP School Complex meetings 2024-25 schedule Agenda

AP Primary Level Complexes, High School Level (Subject) Complex Meetings 2024-25 Schedule, Guidelines, Timeline, Agenda, Session-wise Topics, month-wise Themes

School complex meetings are discussion forums for teachers at complex level, for Foundational Schools (Primary Schools), Secondary Schools on various subjects. Organizing these trainings at a complex level is one strategy to enhance the capacity of teachers and provide continuous support to the teachers for the improvement of their pedagogy. This can also be considered as a decentralized and context-based support that teachers have access to throughout the academic years. This platform will also be able to provide a space for teachers to identify and develop solutions that they face in classes currently. (AP School Complex meetings 2024-25 schedule Agenda)

School Complex Meetings Month-wise Schedule 2024-25

Complex complex meeting Dates
1st 17-08-2024 & 19-08-2024
2nd 17-09-2024 & 18-09-2024
3rd 16-10-2024 & 17-10-2024
4th 18-11-2024 & 19-11-2024
5th 16-12-2024 & 17-12-2024
6th 22-01-2025 & 23-01-2025
7th 21-02-2025 & 22-02-2024
8th 21-03-2025 & 22-03-2025

School Complex Meetings Objectives:

• Develop the concept & sense of Complex as a whole
• Enhance the capacity building of teachers to provide support on a continuum basis
• Share and exchange experiences among the teachers and disseminate the best practices
• Improve the quality of learning among the children through teachers Continuous Professional Development

School Complex Meetings Timeline:

Foundational School Level:
• Scheduled Day 1 of every month – 50% of primary teachers will attend
• Scheduled Day 2 of every month – remaining 50% of primary teachers will attend.
• If it is a holiday, school complex meeting will be scheduled on the next working day
High School Level:
• Scheduled day 1 of Every Month – Telugu, Mathematics, Bio Science teachers will attend
• High School Level
• Scheduled day 2 of Every Month – Hindi, English, Physical Science and Social studies teachers will attend
• If it is a holiday, school complex meeting will be scheduled on the next working day

Complex Meeting Agenda for Primary Schools:

Time Duration High Schools
09:00-09:10 10min Prayer (Vandemataram)
09:10-09:25 15min Session-1: Discussion of Vidya Pravesh status and also the status of students kits received by the students of their respective schools.
09:25-09:40 15min Session-2: Teachers share their experiences about the practices adopted for vidya pravesham/Badi bata in their schools
09:40-10:40 60min Session-3: Vidya pravesh activities(90 days) calender: Activities covered till now and present highlights. List the major acitivies enjoyed by children. (For 1 & 2 classes)
10:40-11:00 20min Break
11:00-12:00 60min Session-4: Strategies for Effective Teaching and learning practice/lesson delivery by core committee (Subject expert)
1. Address Teach Tool Teaching Learning Behaviors2. Address techniques mentioned Teacher Resource Books
12:00-12:30 30min Session-5: State interventions:- (Example below)
Prahari Clubs formation in schools – NCPCR
12:30-1:30 60min Session 6: For classes 1 to 5 – Discussion on Assessment- Formative, Summative, and Question paper related/Technology interaction in Education or Teaching
1:30-2:30 60min Lunch
2:30-03:20 50min Session-7: 60 day certificate course: Through DRPs provide orientation on the main points of course topics related to the play based methodology module, such as policies, holistic development and SRM.
03:20-03:30 10min Tea Break
03:30-04:00 45min Session-8: Model teaching on difficult topics from concerned subjects. Sharing experiences and best practices (at least 2-3 teachers/core committee subject experts) aligned to session 3 strategies along with TLM preparations.
04:00-04:20 30min Session-9: Peer learning Structure (PLC)
LMS-Firki: Course consumptions (Data-driven discussions)

Complex Meeting Agenda for High Schools:

Time Duration High Schools
09:00-09:10 10min Prayer (Vandemataram)
09:10-09:25 15min Session-1: Discussion of Vidya Pravesham status and also the status of students kits received by the students of their respective schools.
09:25-09:40 15min Session-2: Teachers share their experiences about the practices adopted for vidya pravesham in their schools(1 to 2 teachers)
09:40-10:40 60min Session-3: Strategies for Effective Teaching and learning practice/lesson delivery by core committee (Subject expert)
1. Address Teach Tool Teaching Learning Behaviors
2. Address techniques mentioned Teacher Resource Books
10:40-11:00 20min Break
11:00-12:00 60min Session-4: Lesson Planning and Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) preparation aligned with the academic calendar by all teachers
12:00-12:30 30min Session-5: State interventions:
Prahari Clubs formation in schools – NCPCR
12:30-1:30 60min Session 6:
1. Shiksha Spatah 2. ToFEI 3. LIP
1:30-2:30 60min Lunch
2:30-03:15 45min Session-7: Discussion on Assessment- Formative, Summative, and Question paper related/Technology interaction in Education or Teaching
03:15-03:40 25min Session-8: Model teaching on difficult topics from concerned subjects and Sharing experiences and best practices (at least 2 teachers/ core committee subject experts) aligned to session 3 strategies
03:40-03:50 10min Tea Break
03:50-04:20 30min Session-9:
SCIENCE TEACHERS – Group work on how to do practicals and science-related activities
MATHS TEACHERS – Planning of innovative maths activities for easy learning
SOCIAL TEACHERS – Identifying the additional social issues aligned to the syllabus and planning strategies to create awareness among the students and parents.
LANGUAGE TEACHERS – identifying different types of activities to enhance the listening skills (with comprehension) among the students.


  • All the RJDSE, DEOs, AMOs, and APCs in the state are hereby informed to conduct school complex training at the complex level without any deviation and ensure 100% attendance in all school complexes.
  • MEO-II to make monitoring visits. District officers and DIET Principals to make monitoring visits and fill the monitoring form.
    Don’ts in the Complex Trainings:
    1. No Union Meeting Discussions.
    2. No Discussions on service matter, No personnel discussions.
    3. No felicitation activities like transfers, promotions, no meeting with shawls and garland.
    4. No personnel parties, birthday parties, no visits, no site seeing programmes.
    5. All the teachers of govt, govt-aided, KGBV schools, residential must attend the school complex meetings.
Agenda for Month of August 2024 PRIMARY & SECONDARY DOWNLOAD
Notes on August 2024 Complex meetings DOWNLOAD
Teach tool manual DOWNLOAD
Teach Best Practices _district-wise (Session-3) DOWNLOAD
Learning Improvement Program (LIP) (Session-6) SECONDARY DOWNLOAD
Tobacco Free Educational Institutions (ToFEI)(Session-6) DOWNLOAD
Video Resources on Competency Based Assessments DOWNLOAD
Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Program PRIMARY DOWNLOAD
Need-based Course 2: Mathematics (Session-9) DOWNLOAD
Badibata, Discussion On Vidya Pravesh Activities, 60-Day Certificate Course (Session-2,3&7) DOWNLOAD


Primary complex కు సంబంధించిన వీడియోలు 

గమనిక : వీటికి సంబంధించిన అదనపు సమాచారం PDF links కూడా వీడియోల description లో ఉన్నది..

Session 1,3 Vidya Pravesh LINK
Session 2 విద్యా ప్రవేశము LINK
అదనపు సమాచారం LINK
Session 4 Teach tool LINK
Session 5 Prahari clubs LINK
Session 7 60 days Gnana Prakash certificate course LINK
Session 9 PLC , FIRKI సమాచారం LINK

Subject complex కు సంబంధించిన వీడియోలు 

గమనిక : వీటికి సంబంధించిన అదనపు సమాచారం PDF links కూడా వీడియోల description లో ఉన్నది..

Session 1,2 విద్యా ప్రవేశము LINK
అదనపు సమాచారం LINK
Session 3 Teach tool LINK
Session 5 Prahari clubs LINK



Feed back form link



SCERT AP- Dates for School Complexes – Instructions

Rc. No : ESE02/578/2024-SCERT, Dt:03/08/2024


Primary Complex Month-wise Themes:

Themes: Themes will be discussed in the Complex Meetings under specific agenda items. Month
CCE, Formative and Summative Assessments – NAS and SLAS orientation / Philosophy of CBA question pattern July
Teach tool Observations August
Aanganwadi and Primary Education Initiatives taken by the State- TarL September
Difficult Concepts in Mathematics October
Education policies and its impact on AP context November
21° C skills and integration in Teaching -TCM December
Leadership Development among Teachers January
Inclusion and Exclusion practices February
Concepts – Demos March
Innovative activities Extra Topic
Usage, upgradation of Teacher source books – Capturing the feedback Extra Topic
ICT Tools and Techniques Extra Topic

High School Complex Month-wise Themes:

Themes: Themes will be discussed in the Complex Meetings under specific agenda items. Month
CCE, Formative and Summative Assessments – NAS and
SLAS orientation/Philosophy of CBA question pattern
Teach tool Observations August
Education Initiatives taken up the State

Difficult Concepts in Mathematics

Education policies and its impact on AP context October
21st Century skills and integration in Teaching -TCM November
Leadership Development among Teachers December
Inclusion and Exclusion practices January
Concepts – Demos February
Innovative activities March
Usage, upgradation of Teacher source books – Capturing the
Extra Topic
ICT Tools and Techniques Extra Topic

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